

Spatial Heterogeneity The uneven distribution of properties spread across a geographic extent. Soil spatial heterogeneity can be attributed to parent material, biological life, plant communities, climate, topography, and age.
Soil Organisms All living things that inhabit the soil which contribute to the turnover of organic and inorganic matter within the environment.
Microbes Microscopic organisms living all over earth that decompose organic and inorganic matter driving nutrient cycling and ecosystem productivity.
Soil Respiration (soil CO2 flux) The process by which soil microbes metabolize soil carbon using oxygen and produce CO2 as a byproduct. Soil fauna and plant roots also contribute to soil respiration.
Nutrient Cycling The transformation of organic and inorganic matter into different forms within the environment.
Biosphere A combination of all Earth's ecosystems, where the land, water, and the atmosphere interact.
In-Situ Sensors Devices that are physically installed within the medium they are collecting data from.
Datalogger An electronic device that interprets and records electrical signals sent by sensors. They can be installed in remote locations to continuously collect environmental data.
Multiplexer An electronic device that increases the number of inputs into a datalogger.
Control Relay A series of switches that are controlled by an electric signal that can power devices to control automated sequences.
Infrared Gas Analyzer Quantifies trace gas concentrations by determining the absorption of infrared light emitted through a gas sample.
Pneumatic Systems or devices that are powered with compressed air.